
Unwrapping Joy: A Guide to Easing Holiday Stress for Seniors

Whether your family’s holiday tradition is baking shortbread cookies or telling stories around a fire, it can feel like a difficult transition when the holidays don’t look like you’ve always remembered them. Watching a parent age might mean trading going together to cut down a tree with having a cozy game night. As your family navigates the changes that come with caring for an aging loved one and creates new memories together, remember that this transition is new for your aging loved one as well.

Understanding the Source of Stress

While the holiday season is intended to be a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration, it can also come with its own set of challenges. Many senior adults feel isolated and lonely this time of year, making it more difficult to enjoy themselves. They may feel distressed that they can’t participate in family traditions like they once could. By keeping their perspective in mind, you can follow these tips below to help your loved one experience the joy of the season.

Have an Honest Conversation

The best way to understand the stress levels your aging loved one is experiencing about the holidays is to have an open and honest conversation with them. Your family traditions were established to be a source of joy, but they are allowed to change as your family’s dynamic changes. This is an opportunity to learn more about what new holiday traditions your family members would like to start moving forward. 

Plan Manageable Holiday Traditions

Your new holiday traditions should include something stress-free for your aging family members, such as watching seasonal movies together or looking through memorable photo albums. Planning holiday activities that the senior members of your family can enjoy will reduce their feelings of loneliness and isolation. Focus on simple activities that will spark joy and create lasting memories for years to come. 

Seek Professional Care

If you have an aging parent who is no longer able to live independently and care for themselves, taking on the role of their primary caregiver can create tension and frustration for both you and your loved one. Changing family dynamics can add strain and complicate relationships, adding a stressful layer to what is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. If taking care of your aging loved one feels unmanageable, it may be a good time to talk to your loved one about the need for professional in-home care from a licensed caregiver. 

At HomeSpark, we understand that the holidays can be a stressful time for many reasons. Our team of professional in-home caregivers is trained to help your aging loved one perform the activities of daily living while maintaining their independence and will make sure that your loved one gets the community and sociability that they need to live their best, stress-free life during the holiday season and beyond. Contact us today to craft a customized care plan. 



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If you or your loved one is in need of non-medical home care services, contact HomeSpark today for a consultation. We will help you develop a personal care plan tailored around your individual needs.